One of the things we are proudest of is our food.
Travel & Leisure Magazine named Providence the top
Restaurant city in America. Our food is a mix of our
colonial roots, the waves of immigrants that washed
up on our shores and the waves of our bay and ocean
which provide a bounty of delicious seafood including
lobsters, crabs, squid, finfish and shellfish like quahogs,
steamers, mussels and oysters. We have quite a number
of foods you are unlikely to see anywhere else. Our
obsession with all things coffee is unique. The names
we give foods are unusual – gaggers, sinkers, dynamites,
cabinets and grinders all describe edibles. We consume
more coffee and coffe products than anyone on the
planet. Coffee ice cream, cofee milk, milk coffee are
allpart of our tradition. In a melting pot as small as ours
it would seem easy for the cuisine to have blended
and melded but once again counterintuitively culinary
tradtions have remained unblended . Italian, French,
Portugese, Irish, Dominican, Asian, Ethiopian retain
their distinct and vibrant identies. Our front door is the
ocean. Our ships and sailors found heir way to every
port of call on the globe and returned with spices,
recipes and ingredients that make this a dining mecca
and foodie heaven.